A Lesson I learned About Positioning From My Dog

A Lesson I Learned About Positioning From My Dog


(The above photo is not of my precious Bella, but she looked just like this as a puppy!)

               I have a cute little 10 pound Malti-poo named Bella who is the center of attention – always! She is the sweetest, kindest dog you’d ever want to meet and, in full transparency, has her hyperactive moments as well! She does her best to always be in a position to get what she wants when she wants it! In the morning as I am preparing for work, I usually eat my breakfast such as fruit, cereal bars, peanut butter and crackers, in between various tasks I’m running around doing before I hit the door!

           Bella has figured out that I often drop crumbs as I’m eating on the run and she likes to scoop those up for her breakfast too! Additionally, as long as she is on good behavior, I normally give her a treat. Bella sits, ever so politely, in the “Sit Bella” position right next to my feet hoping to catch some crumbs or a treat. If she waits for too long and thinks I don’t see her, she will move to the other side of me and try the “sit Bella” position again. This happens repeatedly until she gets what she wants!

             Watching her do this one morning made me think about how many of us give up on getting what we want because we are afraid to position ourselves where it counts. I believe that “Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work their butts off!” (Tweet this)

           If Bella can properly position herself to get what she wants, you sure as heck can to! Learn to put yourself in positions that lead to success by networking and making the right connections, updating your resume and CV regularly, participating in philanthropic endeavors and giving back to the community. You can’t simply sit around and wait for opportunities to come to you, you have to continuously work to position yourself where it counts and don’t give up until you see the reward (whatever that means to you) you desire!

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

           Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

Most Acts of Leadership Happen Behind Closed Doors

Most Acts of Leadership Happen Behind Closed


Leadership, Life coach, Nashville life coach

                We often think of Leadership as being front and center, and very visible. However, the truth is that most acts of Leadership occur out of the public eye. They include thinking strategically about important decisions, proper planning and attention to details.

❐ It involves having that difficult conversation with someone on your team about their performance.

❐ It involves networking with other leaders to bounce ideas off of one another or attending that After-work Happy Hour to build report with colleagues.

❐ It involves personal and business development like reading industry journals, magazines and blogs

❐ It involves conversations with individual team members to understand their goals on the team and within the company

❐ It involves putting out fires that happen when least expected

❐ It involves putting the pedal to the metal when approaching an important deadline

❐ It involves sometimes doing more than you are paid for – coming in early and leaving late or taking on extra responsibility to ensure the tasks are completed as desired

❐ It involves having compassion for those on your team or in the organization who may be facing personal difficulty

❐ It involves having the courage to make major decisions even though they may be unpopular

               So remember, most acts of Leadership happen outside of the limelight, where the ground work is laid and during the day-to-day operation of you with your team.

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

               Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

Why It’s Important to Say “Yes” to that After Work Happy Hour

Why It’s Important to Say “Yes” To That After Work

Happy Hour

Hapypy hr

                I recently had a discussion with someone who is frustrated that they are working really hard for their company, but seem to get passed up for bigger projects and promotions. They went on to tell me that this has happened more than a few times in the past couple of years. Upon further probing, I approached the topic of how much networking this person does within their organization and how well they know and interact with others in their work place environment.

           I’m glad I took the conversation in that direction because what it revealed is that this person works really hard for the company – comes in early and sometimes leaves late. However, they never really take out the time to engage in after-work happy hours with co-workers or participate in other “after-work” type events. They usually eat lunch by themselves at their desk. They really don’t go the extra mile to learn more about their co-workers beyond the work they do in the office. I totally understand how people don’t like sharing too much of their personal life in the office. Some would even say they don’t like to “mix business with pleasure”. If you are one of those people, I want you to consider this: Your non-participation in after hours work functions or willingness to get to know others in your office or on your teams, may be resulting in you being passed over for opportunities within the organization!

              Working hard is simply not enough anymore. You have to get to know people in your organization personally to even have your name considered in conversations for promotions and greater opportunities. I’m by no means suggesting you should go to an after-work Happy Hour, sling back 5 beers and talk about all the problems you and your significant other are having at home just so you can relate to your co-workers. What I am saying is that when people know more about you as a person and feel they can vibe with your personality, you become more than just an employee. You become part of the team.  You can often learn much more about people over dinner, coffee or lunch than you do in the traditional work environment! Go out and make those connections that matter!

               Even if you are not a “drinker”, per se, head to Happy Hour with your colleagues anyways and enjoy a mocktail, a soda, or appetizers. What’s important is that you are taking part in the conversation so that your name is considered during those major conversations that matter!

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

            Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

How to Create An Audience from Scratch

How to Create An Audience From Scratch


For today’s post I’m sharing a question I was asked after a recent presentation I did on blogging and Personal Branding:

Question: If I’m not an established Blogger like you, how do I create an audience? How do I find people willing to let me interview them for my blog when I have no experience and I’m not well established?

My Answer: We all have to start somewhere! (Tweet this!) I had a “first blog post” on my Dinner With Nerds Food Blog (retired) and here on my life leadership blog just like every other, now established, blogger out here on the internet. I had a “first interview” for my blog because I wasn’t afraid to ask that person for the interview. I told her that I was getting my new Food Blog started and I would be honored if she would be my first interview! She said yes!

              One thing I believe works to my advantage quite often in life is the fact that I’m not afraid to ask for what I want. The worst someone can tell me is “NO” and if they do, I’m on to the next person who can help me out. Hearing “NO” is not comfortable by any means, but hearing “NO” simply means that I won’t be doing whatever it is I want to with that person, right now. There’s always a way to make things happen when you really want something. (Tweet this!)

                Have confidence in yourself, plan out how you will pitch your idea and simply ask. Often times when you are requesting to interview people who are influential or have something to share, they readily welcome the opportunity for any interview – that’s great exposure for them! The more you add to your blog, the bigger your audience will grow, the more experience you get under your belt and there presents your ripple effect. Just Get Started!

– Dr. April

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

       Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

Leaders Don’t Have All The Answers

Leaders Don’t Have All the Answers

Keep Calm and Find Answers

              Leaders don’t have all the answers – no one does. However, great leaders know how to create power teams around them to fill in where they are weak. In his world-famous book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill spends a lot of time talking about Mastermind Groups. He illustrates how each of the world’s most successful people he interviewed for his book, all understood the importance of participating in Mastermind Groups that met regularly. These Mastermind Groups consist of anywhere between 5-12 like-minded business people who meet REGULARLY to bounce ideas off of each other. They share ideas on how to get Results in their business ventures.

             Leaders are not born, they are made! It’s important to constantly sharpen your leadership skills through reading, continuing ed, attending conferences, meeting with mentors, and meeting regularly with Mastermind Groups, etc

Have you ever considered meeting with a Mastermind type group? If not, why don’t you join one or even start one yourself?

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

            Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

You can follow her daily #Leadership insights on Twitter @DrCarmenApril

The 2014 Kentucky College Women’s Leadership Conference

The 2014 Kentucky College Women’s Leadership


Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

               I recently served as the Opening Keynote Speaker for the Kentucky College Women’s Leadership Conference held at the University of Louisville! It was my first time being at the University of Louisville and was actually the first time I had really visited Louisville. I always enjoy visiting new environments, meeting new people and taking in the culture of different cities while on business trips.

                 Of course, the highlight of the visit is that I was able to inspire young women through my Keynote Presentation. The young women were very receptive and asked great questions about my presentation that connected Leadership with Personal Branding and specifically using Blogging as a Platform to create that Brand.

               I’m very appreciative of all who came up to me afterward and expressed their excitement about what I discussed. I plan to turn some of the questions I was asked after my presentation into blog posts to share with you here. I also started gathering some help for a new “#Leadership Is...” project I’m working on. Check out the photos and the video below!

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Here’s a preview of my new ‘LEADERSHIP IS’ Project…………

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference


Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference


Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference


Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Action > Words

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Empowering Others

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Motivating & Appreciating others

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

The ability to pass the torch

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference


Leadership is Peace

Inspiring Others


Taking Initiative

Kentucky College Women's Leadership Conference

Practicing what you Preach!!

Leadership Is


What does Leadership Mean to you??? Follow the link below to watch the Leadership Video and stay tuned for more on my upcoming “Leadership Is…” Series!!


Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

           Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

Developing Leadership Through Sharing Wisdom

Developing Leadership Through Sharing Wisdom


               Maya Angelou was such a wise woman – an inspiration for us all. I was so sad to learn of her passing a couple of weeks ago. She was definitely a woman who left her mark on this world and that is truly wonderful! I came across this quote of hers and couldn’t wait to create a blog post around it because I couldn’t agree more!

               There is so much wisdom that can be gained from listening to the stories of other people. Hearing the personal successes and struggles of others can give you the courage and the strength to overcome obstacles. It can be that extra “push” you need to take a big step or make a major decision. It call pull you out of feeling isolated when you are dealing with some of the heavy blows life sends our way sometimes.

                 On my Dinner With Nerds Food Blog (now retired), I created a series of interviews with people for this very reason! My “In The Kitchen” and “At The Table” series are interviews I conduct with professional, successful people over dinner/coffee/lunch. I believe we learn more about others in more laid back environments over dinner/coffee/lunch than we do in an office setting or stuffy board room. I know the value of learning from others – their mistakes, successes and journey’s along the way.

               Take the time to invite someone for coffee or lunch and invest in learning from their life experiences. We are more alike than we are different! There are common themes we all encounter in everyday life that can be used as inspiration for each other. Let the experience and wisdom of others help you to develop your Leadership skills today!

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

              Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

5 Ways to Be A Great Mentor

5 Ways To Be A Great Mentor


               Serving as a mentor is a great honor because obviously someone else sees achievement in you that they admire and would like to learn from. I’ve had many mentoring relationships, some that did not carry the titles of Mentor/Mentee and some that were more official and did carry those titles. In the case of the later, more structured arrangement, here are some helpful tips for being a great mentor:

1.) Set desired outcomes early – In any type of relationship, disappointment can occur if expectations and goals aren’t clearly articulated from the very beginning of the relationship. In a mentoring relationship, it’s important for both parties involved to express what they desire from the mentoring process. As the mentor, it may be helpful for you to ask the mentee what they would like to get out of the process. You should clearly communicate how you would like to be of assistance to that person. You may even use examples of a previous mentoring relationship that worked out well for you, either as the mentor or the mentee.

2.) Have a plan – Set up a meeting schedule. This can be in person over coffee/ lunch or in the office. In can also take place over the phone, Skype, Google hangouts, etc. Setting up a schedule months in advance also sets the tone for the mentoring relationship and shows professionalism and dedication to the process on both ends.

3.) Be honest about your career journey. What I’ve always wanted to know from mentors are the ups AND downs of their career journey. It great to hear the good stories because they excite us and make us thrilled about the possibilities of our own successes. However, many mentees want to know about some of the struggles along the way. Be as honest as you feel comfortable being. It’s through the setbacks of life and career journey’s that we learn many of our greatest lessons!

4.) Encourage “projects” and homework – Do you recommend a book that has helped you in your career development? If so, share that with the mentee and encourage them to take notes and share them with you during your next meeting. Give them “homework” that involves various forms of goal setting, strategic planning within their profession, etc

5.) Follow up – Being asked by someone to mentor them is an honor. If you are going to start the process, make sure to be consistent and follow-up. Make arrangements to meet for coffee, phone calls etc, every couple of months or at a frequency that works with both schedules. One of the worst things that can happen in this type of professionals development relationship is for either the mentor or mentee to reach out to the other and repeatedly get no response. Remember, mentoring only works if you do!

Do you mentor others? If not, what are you waiting for?!? Make it known in your company that you are available for mentoring. If you don’t work in a large company, be willing to mentor others through your volunteer efforts and other community involvement. Offer opportunities for mentees to come shadow you in your office. Don’t be afraid to Pay it forward!

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

         Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.

5 Tips to Make Networking Work Better for You

5 Tips to Make Networking Work Better for You

2013 Nashville Emerging Leader Award Finalist Reception 

(Photo Credit: Nashville Chamber of Commerce)

               I love Networking! I frequently attend Networking events because it’s awesome to walk into a room with other business-minded individuals and make mutually beneficial business connections. When I first moved to Nashville 3 years ago (almost 4 years ago now), I knew only 2 people – My sister, who was in Dental School at the time, and a college friend/sorority sister. That’s it! So, when I took the leap of faith to start my own medical practice after living here for only 2 months, my lack of connections in Nashville was a HUGE obstacle for me. However, I networked the pure HECK out of Nashville and have made so many connections that, as I look back on it now, astonishes me!

I’m was honored to be a 2013 Nashville Emerging Leader Award Finalist! Here I am networking with some of the attendees at the Finalist Reception in June 2013

(Photo Credit: Nashville Chamber of Commerce)

              I believe that being able to effectively network is an art form. For me, networking did not come second nature. Even though I love to sit down and talk for hours with people that I know and am familiar with, walking up to random people and saying “Hi, I’m Carmen April. How are you? Tell me what you do for a living” was not always as easy for me as it is now. Just like anything you want to become good at, it requires repetition and practice. Making meaningful business connections is essential to both my medical practice and my blog so being comfortable in large networking environments is a MUST!

(Photo Credit: Nashville Chamber of Commerce)

Here are 5 Tips to help you make the most out of Networking:

1.) Attend Events that are specifically structured for Networking. When you attend events that are designed specifically for networking, everyone shows up with the same intention. You are not left wondering if the people you meet have ulterior motives for chatting with you. Everyone is there, or should be there, to make meaningful business connections. I have taken my enthusiasm for networking to some laid-back social gatherings and, unfortunately, have had people look at me like I have 3 eyes on my forehead when I walk up and introduce myself the way I do at networking events. This is not to say that networking does not take place at social gatherings; in fact, it should!

2.) Dress Professionally. We form opinions about others in the first 7-9 seconds of meeting them. Don’t you want the lasting impression someone makes of you to be a positive one, especially when business is involved?


3.) Have your Elevator Speech Prepared and Practiced. An Elevator Speech is your 30-45 second description of who you are, what you do and how you and your business can be of benefit to others. You should be able to clearly articulate this description in the time that it takes you to ride in an elevator with someone from the bottom to the top floor in 30-45 seconds or less. You risk loosing someones attention when you ramble. Because the most common question asked of you during networking will be, “So, tell me what you do for a living?”, you should practice your response (Elevator Speech) because you know it will be asked. It should roll off your tongue like butter!

4.) Have Business Cards on Hand. Your business card should be clean with your name, business logo, phone number,  business email address and business website listed. I can not tell you how annoying it is to receive an old, crinkled business card that has probably been sitting in someones pocket or wallet for who knows how long. Your business card is a tangible piece of your professional brand and it can speak for you in your absence. I keep business cards that I receive during networking by scanning it into one of my favorite apps – Evernote, and also placing it in a business card holding folder that I keep in my office. Additionally, I write down where I met the person, the date and the year, directly on the card.


5.) Follow-up. What is the point of networking if you are not going to make use of the meaningful connections? Networking is for making the initial connections, but it should not stop there. If you meet someone at an event and identify that you can be of benefit to their business, they can be of benefit to your business, or vice versa, you should set up a time to grab coffee, lunch or a cocktail. Send an email to those connections after the event saying that you enjoyed meeting them and would like to meet them again for coffee, etc and discuss ideas. The follow-up is usually where the real connections come about.

 I hope these tips help you on your next Networking excursion!

–Dr. April

Dr. Carmen April's Speaker Series

Dr. Carmen April’s Speaker Series

                Dr. Carmen April is a young entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship for College Students and Young Professionals.