Speak it Into Existence

Speak It Into Existence

Speak it into existence

Proverbs 18:21 says, “The Power of Life And Death is in the tongue”

Albert Einstein says “Everything is Energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is no philosophy. This is Physics.”

I say 🙂 ,  “Your Happiness depends on the thoughts you think and the words you speak! Your words have POWER so choose to Speak Life over yourself, LIFE over your circumstances, LIFE over your finances, LIFE over your family! Those dreams and Desires that you are ready to Manifest are ready to burst through for you if you will really believe in them and Speak them into Existence!

            On a very personal level, this same power of intention and this practice of speaking my desires into existence attracted my husband into my life! Honest to goodness, this time last year (December 2014) the wonderful man who is, now, my husband was not even on my radar!!! #TrueStory

          However, as a good friend and I were recently discussing……. “It doesn’t take God long to work!”

            My husband and I had known OF each other for a while (we are both from Mississippi, both graduated from Mississippi State University, know people in common, etc), but had just one very brief, casual, in-passing “hey there, how ya doing?” encounter about 9 yrs ago. The funny part is that to this very day I honestly have no recollection of it (Sorry babe lol)!!

No worries, his feelings aren’t hurt that I don’t remember it!

           Last summer (summer 2014) I got really serious about my true desires for a husband. I had been praying for my husband (having no clue who he would be) since I was 20 years old, but decided to write down my desires and then start speaking them into existence!

           Everyday, before Lionel and I ever had our first REAL conversation in 2015 (at least the first one I can remember…Ha! ) I would repeat over and over to myself “I AM a Wonderful Wife”, “I AM a Wonderful Wife” and daydream about having a wonderful husband and being a Wonderful Wife!

           Writing down my desires and then declaring that “I AM a Wonderful Wife” everyday activated my Faith to another level!!

          I found a ring in my jewelry box one day during spring cleaning that I had purchased years ago and since it resembled an engagement ring, I placed it on my bedroom dresser (On his side, before I know who he would be!!). That ring served as a reminder for me to pray for my husband every day!

          I also took a bouquet of artificial flowers out of a vase I had purchased years ago, dusted them off and placed them next to the ring on the dresser in my bedroom.

          I literally filled my home with the word “LOVE”! I bought a pillow that says “LOVE” for my living room couch, bought a canvas with the word “LOVE” and placed it on the wall at the very entrance of my home. The word “LOVE” was taped to my fridge, my bathroom mirror, the wall in my office at work…..Everywhere lol!!!

         I chose my Themes for 2015 to be LOVE and FAITH!! Let me declare to you today that IT IS NO coincidence that 2015 has been the year that I chose LOVE and FAITH to be my 2 themes for the year – the themes I think about, pray about, meditate about day-in and day-out AND that 2015 has also been the year that my, now husband, and I had our first real conversation, started dating, got engaged and got married – ALL OF THIS IN 2015!!

          In the summer of 2014, I wrote down a list of 31 core desires I had for my husband. Once Lionel and I connected and began having marathon-long phone calls every day (one of our very first phone convos lasted almost 7 hours long!), I realized there was something very special about him. God actually spoke to me after our first multi-hour long conversation and told me that I had just had my first conversation with my husband. Seriously, clear as day, I heard God impart this into my spirit as I was climbing into bed that night. I chuckled and smiled and said out loud “Ok Lord, if I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing, please make this very obvious to me!”

          Now, back to the core desires list ——–> One by one, I started checking those desires off the list that Lionel met. I quickly realized that he was the physical manifestation of that list! There was no particular reason for having 31 items on that list. I actually initially stopped at 30 because it’s an even number and I kinda have a thing for even numbers (LOL), but then decided to throw in an extra one for kicks and giggles that says, “And oh yeah……he loves great music and loves to dance!” God definitely has a sense of humor because even though #31 wasn’t a deal breaker, He gave it to me anyways! Anyone who has ever hear my husband sing knows how great of a musical talent he is! We both love great music, love attending concerts together and dancing together!!

             I’ve always dreamed of a fairy-tale proposal……..one I would never forget and one that held significant meaning! In my many conversations to God about my husband over the past year and a half (when I really got serious about this thing!), I communicated to God that I did not want a physical relationship with any from that point on other than with the man who would be my husband! I was tired of dating as usual. I was tired of listening to what the “world” tells us we need to do to get and keep a man. I was tired of it because I knew that was not what God was imparting into my spirit!

          Well, once again, just a couple of weeks after our first marathon-long conversation, I received what I prayed for!

The VERY 1st time (my now husband) Lionel ever touched me was to put the engagement ring on my finger and ask me to marry him – The VERY 1st time!

Carmen and Lionel

Our Wedding Day in San Juan, Puerto Rico – August 2015

          Because I had prayed for Lionel for so long, when he presented into my life I immediately recognized him to be that person God sent to me! Lionel says the same. He surrendered to God and asked God to show him who he was supposed to be with instead of him trying to figure it out on his own.

          My husband is such a wonderful blessing and gift from God. He is the man I have prayed about for so long and is a manifestation of my core desires for a husband. In the natural, I never would have imagined this time last year that I would be very happily married right now. However, my Spirit told me differently! My Spirit constantly reminded me of one of my favorite verses in the Bible – Psalm 37:4 that says, “Delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart”. My Spirit also reminded me that the Word gives us authority, as believers, to “speak those things that are not as though they already were” (Romans 4:17)!! I also prayed for an Ephesians 3:20 husband – a husband who is exceedingly, abundantly above all I can ask or think, and guess what…..God delivered that to me as well!

          Words have real power!! Use them to speak life and love and blessings over your own life right now!! Your words activate your faith!! I hope my story encourages you to start speaking what’s important to you over your life every single day!

So, today, begin to say:




❐ I am STRONG!


❐ I EXPECT things to work out in my favor!

❐ All Good things come to me today!

❐ My Dreams and Desires are coming true for me!

❐ I AM ______________________________ (Fill in the blank for what you desire)

Dr Carmen April Speaker          Dr. Carmen April is an entrepreneur and community leader recognized as a 2014 Nashville Emerging Leader Award (NELA) Winner, a 2013 Nashville Business Journal Top 40 Under Forty Award Recipient and is a 2014 Graduate of the New Leaders Council Institute – Nashville Chapter.  Dr. April is available for speaking engagements on Entrepreneurship and Life Leadership for College Students and Young Professionals.

13 thoughts on “Speak it Into Existence

  1. What a great post! I also done many posts pertaining to speaking words that breathe life; words of affirmations from God, etc. Knowing that we are God’s children allows power unimaginable. However, God’s will and timing play a hefty role.

    Abundant blessings to you and yours, Emma

  2. Reading your story gave me goosebumps. You are my role model in this area. Thank you for sharing your incredible journey and awesome love story!! #istillbelieveinlove

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